As I rocked my littlest grandson to sleep I was quoting him verses from Scripture. I sat in the rocking chair watching out the window at the farmers field behind our house.
There were quite a few birds flying all around in the sky in a sort of twirling dance. I began to plan my walk for later today and wondered what my God would teach me today. My mind, however, kept being pulled back to the birds out side.
They were to free so un-burdened with cares of life. They could go anywhere and all their needs were provided for by their Creator. As they flew in various directions they reflected the sun off of their feathers in slivers, whites and reds.
My mind left the things of this earth (Colossians 2:3?) and flew on wings to heavenly places where my Father dwells. As the birds twirled here on earth my spirit twirled before my King in heaven.
God is: My Creator
My Provider
My Protector
My Redeemer
My Joy
Color: Silver, white, red swirls
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God
and His righteousness and all
these things shall be added unto you"
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