Tuesday, January 24, 2017

   As I rocked my littlest grandson to sleep I was quoting him verses from Scripture.  I sat in the rocking chair watching out the window at the farmers field behind our house.

   There were quite a few birds flying all around in the sky in a sort of twirling dance.  I began to plan my walk for later today and wondered what my God would teach me today.  My mind, however, kept being pulled back to the birds out side.

     They were to free so un-burdened with cares of life.  They could go anywhere and all their needs were provided for by their Creator.  As they flew in various directions they reflected the sun off of their feathers in slivers, whites and reds.

    My mind left the things of this earth (Colossians 2:3?) and flew on wings to heavenly places where my Father dwells.  As the birds twirled here on earth my spirit twirled before my King in heaven.

God is: My Creator
             My Provider
             My Protector
             My Redeemer
             My Joy

Color:  Silver, white, red swirls

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God
and His righteousness and all
these things shall be added unto you"

Saturday, January 21, 2017

     Today I invited my grandson to walk with me.  He brought his 'shepherd hook' (which is in reality an elderly man's cane that we purchased second hand). 

     He talked the whole way and his enthusiasm and strong desire to be a shepherd of the Lord brought to mind how energetic and talkative I can be in God's presence.   I wondered if my talking too much and my passion for guarding His words along with my deep emotions and depth of heart were a delight or a disappointment to Him. 

    I was thinking of what a 'firecracker' we both are, my grandson and me.  I rounded a corner and there in the lawn at my right was a low round bush of red and yellow rounded mini buds. They resembled the explosion of 'fire crackers'.

    I am always amazed at how God knows my thoughts even before I do.  I really love my walks with Him!

   God is : Attentive to me

   Color:  Red and yellow

    We took a different path today and walked to a neighboring housing development.  There were beautiful lawns and grand houses but no color.  As we headed down the main road to come home, there across the street was a tall stately oak tree with red leaves on top followed by neon green leaves and lastly yellow.  

    Right in front of it was a sapling with the exact same color scheme and order.  It looked like the little one wanted to be just like the older mature tree when it was growing up.  The trees were like a Father and child standing together.  The Father standing guard over and directing the growth of the son.  The child idolizing his Father and wanting to be just like him.

     God is:  Big standing over small.  Loving Father, Good Shepherd

                   Small growing just like the older more mature one.  "follow me"; "be holy as I am holy"

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

     My sweet little granddaughter accompanied me on my walk today.  She listened as I sang or prayed out loud.  She looks for God's 'special blessing' with me.

      Today once again we arrived home at the end of our walk having not yet found God's special 'color' gift to me.    She wanted to stay out a bit longer so we decided to take a stroll around our home.

     We went around the north side of the house where the raspberry and blackberry bushes are.  They are dormant now due to the cold weather but the thorns are still just as sharp.  As we passed the twining vines of raspberry plants we were met with our 'surprise'.

     There in the midst of a very large patch of raspberry bushes was a single solitary stem of tiny white and yellow daisies.  They just seemed to come out of no where.  Amazing!!

    God is: Amazing! and He is worth searching patiently for!

     Color:  White and yellow

P.S.  God is sometimes in the small things, the details.  Do not miss the tiny delights because you are too focused on the greater picture.

Monday, January 16, 2017

    My daughter called be to the window this evening at sunset.  I had not found my 'color' yet today on my walk with my Father.

    The sky was a very unusual shade of turquoise!!

    It was stunning.  How striking!  It is usually in reds or oranges but tonight it was turquoise.

    He saved the best for last.  Just when I thought He 'skipped' as day of personal communication with me, He dazzles me with this.  God is good all the time, oh, yes He is.  He cares for even the everyday average child of His like me.  How great is that.

God is : Loving kindness that is everlasting
              His mercies are NEW everyday!
Color: Turquoise

Friday, January 13, 2017

    I was driving a long drive home so I was conversing with My Father.  I passed a field of fire red flowers waving in the gentle breeze as I passed. They cheered me on my way.

    God was reminding me of Joshua 1:7-9.  He is truly with me 'whithersoever I go'.

   Once home I went out for my usual walk.  It was late afternoon and I was not certain today if God would continue to visibly give evidence of His presence with me as I seek to hear Him in my spirit.

   As I came back home, I was walking up the driveway and there was a surprise waiting for me.  There is a planter in front of the house, where all the plants are dead due to the cold weather here.  But today it was full, yes full, of bright happy, yellow mums.  They were little ones but they were bright and growing in full bloom.

  God is: Always there and brings Life out of Death
               He is happy to be with me and with you

  Color: Bright yellow

Thursday, January 12, 2017

    This very early morning I skipped breakfast to take a pre-dawn walk with my precious Lord, my God, my Father, my Guide and companion of intimate proportions in the Holy Spirit.  I walk past all the places where we had met this past week.  As I walk I look up and the 'STOP' sign was directly in front of me.

    I felt compelled to stop right there in the road and as I look to the right of the stop sign I saw a wondrous sight!  Coming out of the midst of an evergreen tree and surrounded by evergreen trees, was a single, solitary twig.  This twig had red AND neon green leaves in the shape of a SMILE!

    This made me smile, then it made me laugh!

  What joy there is in my Creator.  We miss so much in our busy lives.  He has placed so many fantastic things, simple things, beautiful things, unexplainable things, everywhere. They are just waiting for His children to stop and notice and delight in them.

    It is like the Sunset.  Never two exactly the same but we miss most of them because we are to preoccupied to look.  What artistry we miss and it is all free!!  Oh how He freely gives.

God is : Joyful and in His presence is the fullness of Joy

Color: Red and green and everything in between.